Anti-COVID-19 effects and mechanisms of TCM

TCM2COVID documents more than 280 anti-COVID TCM formulas and over 80 NPs that refer to over 300 herbs, all from the literature and public sources. Meanwhile, TCM2COVID launches a useful webserver for querying, analyzing and visualizing documented formulas similar to those supplied by the user (formula similarity analysis). In summary, TCM2COVID provides a user-friendly and practical platform for documenting, querying, and browsing anti-COVID TCM treatments and will help in the development and elucidation of the mechanisms of action of new anti-COVID TCM therapies to support the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.

Please cite us: TCM2COVID: A resource of anti-COVID-19 traditional Chinese medicine with effects and mechanisms, iMeta, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/imt2.42